Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

The new primary ANY is Sp4C1n420 until further notice, due to the the latest slump that has taken place with Kellog_G8. Both seem to be happy with the decision and has been working great thus far...

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Back in Division 2 today, after winning 6 games strait. Now lets keep looking forward and get back to division 1...

In other news, Carlos_M8 will finally be back to his club Wolfsburg FC in just days, he'd said that by Saturday he'd be back lets welcome him back after more than 2 months he's fundamental to the club as the 2nd manager and one of the founders of Wolfsburg.

-Saturday, February 14th, 2009

Site updated after almost two months. Sorry for not updating the website for such a long time just that my PC broke down and I was using a horrible Windows 98 PC that couldn't let me update it I also couldn't play because I had broken my ankle while playing some football (soccer to some) Thank you for being patient and lets start playing regularly again.

Tweek49 and Aceshadow left our club following the wait and made a club of their own, we wish them good luck at their new club.  playajack is our newest player to join us here at Wolfsburg FC he was great during his trial winning all his games and scoring a slew of goals. We're definetly back on track and climbing up the ranks so lets keep it up.

-Friday, December 26th, 2008

Effective immediately due to the high number of losses we've received because of just one player losing connection a game can now only be started when four members are present this means that we can no longer play with just three members unless you're really and that's a big really sure that you have good connections for that day. Proper measures will be taken in count for this new rule, such as the addition of more members since more members will be needed online at a time with four.

-Friday, December 26th, 2008

broomdj is our new player after VballPlaya_17 getting removed after a poor showing. broomdj prefers the striker position but he says he can play any position. He was an ex division 1 player but left after his club got deleted, give him a warm welcome...

In other news, we're in a slump and need to get this fixed so lets try our best.

-Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

New signing for the club. VballPlaya_17 is the latest player to join our club after proving himself very good at his trial, he prefers playing as midfielder. Add him to your Friends list and receive him with a warm welcome.

-Monday, December 22nd, 2008

New member added for trialing: skiller93 seems good enough to join the team full time more trial will be required though.

-Sunday, December 21st, 2008

We've switched teams again to Chelsea to go back to old times where we were playing really well. It seemed to have worked as today coming off a huge slump where we fell down all the way to the 19th in division 2 played really well. At the moment we're back on track going all the way from 19th to 4th in division 2. Unfortunately we haven't gotten any players added yet either because other clubs signed them faster or because they weren't good enough to make the team. That means that we're still in the process of getting good players that are good enough for a division 1 team, if you have any players which you think would do well in this team or want to join our club then please notify me by PSN or E-mail. 

Another thing to point out is that we actually found games today without a hitch it which, hopefully it stays like that.

-Friday, December 19th, 2008

Reda and Hurn1e have been removed from the Wolfsburg FC due to multiple requests from users saying that they weren't too good as well as for personal reasons, best of luck to them in there new teams. We now have a total of 11 members who have stood well enough to stay in the club and I've gotten hold of 3 trialists who are wokapre, andy1886well and VballPlaya_17 they will play with us to see if they can stay on our club. Hopefully at least 2 of them can stay.

-Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Played 2 games today with two wins although we would've played more if it weren't for the waiting times....

Played as a team and did very well.

-Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Our newest team is Inter Milan after playing poorly with Valencia. The team played 6 games today with a record of 6-0 and has moved back to division 1. Excellent games we were invincible.

-Friday, December 12th, 2008

Our new team effective today is Valencia also I'd like to say that the club stats are now available after not being viewable ever since Wolfsburg FC was created. Since they are available now I am going to make a MVP's section in which the top 3 players with the best overall ratings get a Gold, Silver & Bronze medal respectively. 

-Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Moving down the ranks unfortunately. We're now back in Division 2 after just checking since I haven't been able to play for about 5 days or so. We need to be playing more games as well, I'll be back on today so get playing today.

Sniper1 and Slayer(temporary member) have been removed. Will try to get a new free agent that will be better for the club.

-Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Site is up and running as of today. I will update it when needed so that you guys can get yourself s updated about the club. Come here to see the latest news regarding the club and use the chat to get in touch with other club members instead of PMing each other. I figured that a chat would be much better than PMing each other

-Saturday, December 6th, 2008 

Congratulations guys we're officially a division 1 team. I knew we would make it, lets keep it up.


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